I initially thought that was downtown Portland, OR next to the Willamette river. But I just read your post below and the title above. I guess I’m not paying attention.
I was making comments all week about how similar Portland and Pittsburgh were.
I prefer the cheapness and oldness (and reduced preciousness and lower level of San Francisco escapee population) of Pittsburgh myself…
I initially thought that was downtown Portland, OR next to the Willamette river. But I just read your post below and the title above. I guess I’m not paying attention.
I was making comments all week about how similar Portland and Pittsburgh were.
I prefer the cheapness and oldness (and reduced preciousness and lower level of San Francisco escapee population) of Pittsburgh myself…
Here are a 212 images of Pittsburgh that may be of interest to you.
Way cool Pittsburgh site about which I’ve written a couple of papers since entering library school: