New Toy


Mmmm. New toy. New toy with dual G5 processors, lots of RAM, and a larger hard drive than I’ve ever had before…

I’m doing my best not to get it all sticky…

Of Queer Ska Librarians


If I weren’t so sleepy, I might write about dinner and record-buying last Saturday night with Dan the Ska Librarian, or dying Easter eggs with Mark yesterday morning, of the nifty new newspaper and magazine article database I’m working on, or the new G5 I’ll be getting next week, or maybe even about some of the thoughts I’m having on how I’ll no longer be living in San Francisco in a little over two months…

But I AM so sleepy, so I’ll just yawn and go back to my movie, hoping I can stay awake to the end…

Who Gives a Shit?

Why are there Congressional hearings on the subject of steroid use by major league baseball players? Could there be a bigger waste of legislative time. money, and attention?

Even assuming there was illegal activity — which is a pretty obvious assumption — Congressional action is no more appropriate here than it would be on the subject of, say, musicians smoking pot or film directors being godless commies. There’s just no reason and no justification for legislators to get involved. It’s not as if anyone important, like soldiers or airline pilots or truckers, is involved here; baseball players are ENTERTAINERS. Who the fuck CARES?

With the repeated strikes and the extortion demands of stadium-craving team owners who want taxpayers to foot the bills for all their expenses, it’s not as if professional sports has much in the way of integrity or ethics associated with it anyway…

Oh, but gee golly gosh, we simply MUST set a good example for the children, mustn’t we? That’s all that matters, after all…

Randomly Thursday

This morning as I was making my way from the bus stop to work, I heard the Ferry Building clock chime twenty-three o’clock, and I realized that either (a) something was very wrong with said chime, or (b) I was extremely late — say, fifteen hours late — for work. I’m glad it was the former…

The above is presented just in case you ever wondered what you might do if you found yourself owning a big white elephant of an abandoned department store in downtown Bakersfield and couldn’t quite afford a whole new sign for it…