Another Sunday afternoon at my little website factory in Winston-Salem. I don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard on such a big pile of changes that will never be noticed by most users. I’ve spent two days fixing my department’s website, repairing dead (or badly-constructed) links and giving some logic and rationality to the file structure and the stylesheet. At least it will make my future life easier. That’s the important thing, right?
I haven’t really left the house much all weekend. Maybe it’s some ingrained fear, left over from my years in San Francisco, of running into thousands of lukewarm leatherettes outside my front door during the last weekend in September. Or maybe I just had a lot of work to do.
But my friend Duncan did surprise me this morning with a phone call inviting me out to lunch. This was particularly unexpected since Duncan lives in upstate New York. Hell of a commute just for lunch at the cafeteria, huh? And I ventured out for a little while looking at, but not purchasing, some new monitors.
Maybe a Paul Newman movie after dinner…