Thanksgiving in Greensboro

I’m not sure which would have been scarier: (a) shopping at Carolina Place Mall when they opened at 1AM today, or (b) being in an enclosed space with the kind of people who were shopping at Carolina Place mall when they opened at 1AM today…

As much as I’m all for the whole commercial Christmas thing, I really don’t get the appeal of shopping on the day after Thanksgiving at 1AM or any other time. It’s probably the most miserable day of the year to go shopping; the last place I’d want to be today would be a mall or a big box center. People would die. I would be arrested for killing them. It would be a very upleasant start to the holidays…

My mom, an otherwise rational human being, had some shopping plans today. When I opted out, she casually mentioned how men just aren’t really “into” shopping. I corrected her and let her know that shopping was just fine and dandy under the right circumstances. What I’m not “into” is masochism…

Anyway, we had a nice Thanksgiving dinner at the cafeteria, which is apparently becoming a big tradition with lots of people up Greensboro way, and then we came home, held court for a few afternoon visitors, watched LA Confidential, and went to bed. I was ready to pass out at about 7:30. Why does visiting my parents always make me so damned sleepy?