The Silliest Place on Earth

Maybe this should be the first entry at The Silliest Place on Earthâ„¢, but I’m not up and running with that site yet:

In San Francisco, the maximum legal time limit for parking on an otherwise unmarked street is 72 hours. However, “special event” signs, which warn that you may be towed if you don’t move your car by a certain time, need only be posted 24 hours in advance. Does this sound like a bit of a contradiction? You’re allowed to park for 72 hours. Except when you aren’t allowed to. And you only get 24 hours notice that you’re not allowed to…

In other words, your legally-parked car can be legally towed, and you get the privilege of paying a couple hundred bucks for the whole experience just because you parked legally on a street in San Francisco…

I’d offer some citations, but — of course — the website which houses the city’s traffic code doesn’t work. Rather like the whole city government…

I hate this city…