You have GOT to be kidding. Mmmm. I’ll share a little of your earwax residue, listen to whatever crappy music you’re into, and we’ll change the world in the process…
Not bloody likely, it seems, but maybe I’m just anti-social…
Where the intelligence is neither artificial nor abundant
You have GOT to be kidding. Mmmm. I’ll share a little of your earwax residue, listen to whatever crappy music you’re into, and we’ll change the world in the process…
Not bloody likely, it seems, but maybe I’m just anti-social…
Random one-liners for a Tuesday afternoon:
Why do I read the letters to the editor? It only causes me pain…
About the New Bloomingdale’s on Market Street:
It is true that the actual building will not be affected. But what about the people inside? During the next three years, the employees of the nonprofits and small businesses located in this building will have to deal with the constant sound, dust, vibration and stress caused by construction that will take place only 5 feet from our office windows — windows that are our only source of ventilation.
Boo fucking hoo. That’s what urban life is all about. Yes, it’s annoying. Yes, it bothers me when I have to deal with construction near my house. No, I don’t believe that it’s some giant conspiracy against “nonprofits and small businesses”, nor that it’s really worthy of a letter to the editor of the business section…
Bitch about it on a web journal instead; they’re designed for whining and complaining, dammit…
Or maybe we should just leave all vacant lots empty in perpetuity, lest the neighbors be incovenienced…
About the Patriot Act:
Personally, I do not care if someone knows what books I have checked out from the library, or what sites I have visited on the Internet. If collecting this information will save even one American life, it is well worth the so-called infringement of civil rights and liberties.
America is at war, and at times of war people must give up certain liberties to ensure the security of this great nation. As Americans, we need to stand up against those who wish to weaken our defense and let the enemy in.
Is it me, or is the collective IQ of this country declining on a daily basis? Think what you will about the Patriot Act, but this moron clearly misses the point all the way ’round and shows his ignorance both of the concept of rights and liberties (which are not “gifts” of the government to be rescinded at will) and of critical thinking…
It was Benjamin Franklin, I think, who said something to the effect that anyone who willingly gives up his freedom in exchange for a sense of security is worthy of neither…
Massachusetts court rules ban on gay marriage unconstitutional:
In a paper statement he released immediately after the ruling was released, Romney left the door open for some other way of recognizing same-sex couples.
“Of course,” he said, “we must provide basic civil rights and appropriate benefits to nontraditional couples, but marriage is a special institution that should be reserved for a man and a woman.”
They say that a lot, those assorted politicians. It’s almost a rote memorization sort of thing. But they very rarely offer a compelling or intellectually-valid reason WHY. And here’s a hint: “because the Bible (God, the Pope, Mohammed, L. Ron Hubbard, etc.) says so” is NEVER an intellectually-valid reason — nor a relevant one — when the issue is American public policy…
Like Rick, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass what you want to call my relationship with Mark — marriage, domestic partnership, living in sin, godless sodomy, whatever. But when you tell me that it’s somehow less important, or less worthy of equal protection under the law, simply because both of us possess Y chromosomes, you’d better be prepared to defend your logic with something stronger than some vague, irrelevant, and possibly erroneous religious argument…
And something a little more clever than “that’s the way it’s always been” would be refreshing too…
Finally: pictures from the anniversary trip to LA and Disneyland…
And a very big happy birthday to Becky, too…