Randomly Monday

Random thoughts for the Monday after the Sunday after Thanksgiving:

  • I have the most wonderful husband in the world. I just wanted to mention that today since he’s been especially wonderful for putting up with me the past thirty days or so. I haven’t been particularly pleasant company, I fear…
  • That said, tomorrow marks one month, a hundred bucks saved, and — if the old cliché is true — five thousand extra minutes tacked on to the end of my life…
  • What a beautiful weekend, weather-wise. It was gray and soggy and chilly and generally wonderful. Pity it won’t last…
  • It sure would be nice if I could have those five thousand extra minutes NOW rather than when I’m old and senile. Oh well…

Randomly Sunday


Random thoughts for the Sunday after Thanksgiving:

  • I’m so proud. One of my sites has been featured in the Weekly World News, right there next to the two-headed alien devil spawn of Saddam Hussein and the incestuous homosexual conjoined twins of Burkina Faso…
  • Mark‘s back today and my four-day binge of geeky photo downloading (not the kind of photos you’re thinking: most of them were from here), manipulation of databases , unhealthy eating, and the occasional wank will come to a close. I missed you a bunch too, baby, but you’ll be glad to know I coped…
  • I actually read an article the USA Weekend this morning (because getting off the couch would have forced me to acknowlege the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink) and I had a thought: why is it that most annoying catchphrases become annoying mainly because they involve imagination-impaired middle-class white people (the target audience of the newspaper supplement in question) trying desperately to sound like they live in a UPN sitcom?
  • I’ve also determined that — depite being made in 1967 — Valley of the Dolls was actually the very first movie of the 1970s…

Swedish Package

I dunno. This just sort of tickled me…

Sort of like that announcement we heard at Safeway the other night: “Could someone please open the back door? We have a load.” The other fag on the canned vegetables aisle with us was amused too…

OK, so I have a one-track mind tonight…

Thanksgiving Prep


I love a boy who can cook

What I hated (today) was sitting on the 12-Folsom for half an hour behind idiots who were trying to get on the Bay Bridge and who had decided that bringing their SUVs and Hummers to a dead stop right in the middle of each intersection, regardless of signal status or right of way, was the best way to accomplish this goal…

I’m sure I’ll find something else to hate on the way home tomorrow…