Talk Talk
It’s My Life (1984)
It always comes on the radio right when I need to hear it. I love that.
Where the intelligence is neither artificial nor abundant
Talk Talk
It’s My Life (1984)
It always comes on the radio right when I need to hear it. I love that.
Fifteen years ago today:
On the final day, I make my way through the Central Valley from Bakersfield to Stockton, then over Altamont Pass, through the East Bay, across the Bay Bridge and back South of Market where I’d started more than a month before.
Fifteen years ago today:
From Kingman across the Mojave Dessert via a very old and deserted version of Route 66, then to Bakersfield. This was pretty much the last leg of the Joads’ journey and it’s pretty close to the end for me too.
I used to do these all the time but I haven’t recently. Tonight seems like a good night since I haven’t much of anything to say tonight that doesn’t revolve around (a) whininess about the fact that I’m not in Canada right now like I’m supposed to be, (b) misplaced resentment that’s making me feel a little guilty, or (c) new techniques in the avoidance of starch and sugar.
We’ve already established that October is my reflective month and that I’m not averse to reruns, so here’s early October through the years:
Fifteen years ago today:
Gallup, New Mexico. Flagstaff, Arizona. Don’t forget Winona. Kingman. And that’s it for today. The Route 66 tour continues after a flat tire in Gallup with a visit to Bedrock in lieu of the Grand Canyon…and a Wigwam Motel in Holbrook.