The Pursuit of Happiness
She’s So Young (1988)
You can definitely hear the Todd Rundgren influence more in this one (which was apparently much bigger in Canada than in the US) than this one.
Where the intelligence is neither artificial nor abundant
The Pursuit of Happiness
She’s So Young (1988)
You can definitely hear the Todd Rundgren influence more in this one (which was apparently much bigger in Canada than in the US) than this one.
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I love TPOH!
Also, I listened to both X-Teens albums yesterday, which I discovered through your blog like a year ago. That was such a good catch.
I don’t even remember this one – guess I was too hung up on IAAN. You’re right – lots or Rundgrenisms in this one.
I don’t think I specifically remembered it either. I heard it driving through Canada last fall and it sounded vaguely familiar. Didn’t know who it was until I Shazam-ed it, but I knew Todd Rundgren had to be involved somehow…