One that satisfies my artistic needs…

Sorry for all the coyness and secrecy, but now that I’ve made the necessary notifications at my current position and all, I am most happy to announce that I have a really cool new job. What’s more, I have a cool new job doing pretty much exactly what I went to library school to do. Better still, I am officially considered university faculty in the aforementioned job, so I get lots of time off and benefits and stuff.

If I can get through the next two months till graduation, I will be very content.

And did I mention that I love my husband for putting up with my middle-aged graduate student ass for so long?

Randomly Wednesday

First time in days I’ve had a chance to do some reading:

  • My neighborhood library branch in Pittsburgh is closing. It’s the oldest Carnegie Library branch in the city and has somehow managed to survive for 111 years,  and it’s a rather amazing space. I’m not happy.
  • Google Street View has finally covered Toronto.
  • On Jewish delis.
  • Anyone for a wedding on the steps of the Capitol?

Today might be my last weekday at home for quite some time. I’m torn between trying to get ahead on schoolwork and sitting on my ass watching movies all day. Of course, there are lots of other things I need to do, so it won’t be a day of pure sloth (or academics, should I choose that route) anyway.