I’ve just returned from my temp agency interview and assorted tests. Oddly enough, the whole process proved rather beneficial to my recently-plummeting self-esteem…
I wasn’t too surprised to find that I scored quite highly on the Excel test, because I actually like using Excel and think it’s pretty much the only software Microsoft has gotten right in the past fifteen years. I WAS surprised, though, that I scored even higher on Word, which I hate and only use under duress…
And I was absolutely stunned that, even though I am a two-finger typist who wouldn’t be able to learn touch typing now if my life depended on it, I somehow manage to plug along at forty words per minute with 98 per cent accuracy. Who knew?
Whether or not any of this will land me a job remains anyone’s guess, but I’m a little more optmistic than I was this morning, anyhow…