Farewell dinner with co-workers at the House of Prime Rib…
Where the intelligence is neither artificial nor abundant
Farewell dinner with co-workers at the House of Prime Rib…
More of same…
I guess we’re really going…
A big part of the packing is done (more thanks to Mark than to me) and last night we started saying our official goodbyes by having dinner with Sarah and Brad. And I’ve hit that point where every time I visit a certain store or restaurant, I’m assuming it will probably be my final visit…
Strangely enough, I’m finding that — friends aside — most of the things I’ll miss aren’t actually IN San Francisco. That may be due to the fact that aside from work and home, I haven’t really spent that much time within the city limits for several years now. My leisure time is spent in Oakland and San Jose and even Sacramento and Fresno, and it’s these places that I think I’ll really miss. And I’ll hate not having LA nearby as well, since I’ve lately found it much more fascinating than San Francisco…
So very much of what I used to find so interesting about San Francisco either isn’t here anymore or isn’t exciting to me anymore. Most of the bars and clubs I liked are closed –or radically different than they used to be — and I don’t really care about that scene anymore anyway. Except for parts of the Richmond and the Sunset and the Outer Mission, the city has pretty much have become a boutique caricature of its former self, a theme park if you will. Of course, this was a trend which was well underway even in 1992, but it’s gotten completely out of hand now…
Some other casualties:
More to come. And all sentimental notions are, of course, subject to change…
There are many reasons I love my husband. One of the biggest is the fact that he can discuss urban planning in bed and do so intelligently. And I have a very rigorous definition of “intelligently” when it comes to this particular subject…