
I’m a little cranky and irritable, and in an all-around less than stellar mood. Here’s hoping the weekend will make it much better; I hate forcing my moods on someone else…

I’m hoping that the fog will have returned with a vengeance by the time I return on Sunday. I’ve said it before, and it’s that time of year again. Sunshine depresses me, and there’s been too damned much of it in SF this week. I do not like tanning, nor frolicking in the sun, nor the way it looks and feels when it sneaks in through my blinds. It thrusts me into some of my foulest moods. About the only time I really like the sunshine is when I’m driving or taking pictures. Yes, I understand that I am a freak. And no, I don’t care. So there…

As it happens, there were no real radical changes from Wednesday’s much less foul mood, I did consolidate and streamline some stuff over at Planet SOMA. It might not be all that noticeable, but I’m still working on it. After which, it still might not be all that noticeable…

The Mood

I’m in one of those moods today. Not at all a bad mood, mind you. Just one of those moods which dictates that — before I go to bed tonight — one of my sites will go through a semi-major change or I will have even less hair on my head than usual…

Or maybe I’ll do something REALLY radical. Like washing the dishes and mopping the kitchen floor (for all the good the latter ever does)…

I’ll keep you posted…

Domestic Violence

So I’m scouring craigslist for job openings and I see a posting for a position as a “domestic violence facilitator”. Does that strike anyone else as a rather odd position title? I should think there would be more of a market for people who IMPEDE domestic violence rather than facilitate it…


I haven’t had a self-indulgent front page photo in a while, so here’s a new one. I actually like this one; Sarah always manages to take pictures of me which make me look less fat. What a wonderful talent…

Anyway, if you want a bigger version, so I can be your desktop or your dart board (or even better, so you can paste my head on a much more attractive naked body), let me know. If you try hard enough, you can even crop me out completely and wind up with a really nice shot of Oakland’s old Emporium and I. Magnin stores and the Paramount Theatre marquee…

Stupid teenager on Cops: he thinks if he tells them he’ll commit suicide if he goes to jail that they’ll just skip it. He doesn’t realize that statement will only get him thrown into a tiny “suicide watch” cell, butt-ass naked lest he strangle himself with his clothing. Which might be a more appealing image (the naked part, that is) if he weren’t such a scuzbag…

Hmmm. I used the word “naked” in two consecutive paragraphs. That should help with the search engine referrals. It also suggests that I need a conjugal visit very badly…