I’d forgotten how much I really liked High Fidelity…
Year: 2002
Uncut and Unwired
“More uncut Godfather coming up on the new TNN.”
I have neither a forsekin fetish nor a daddy fetish, but it still got my attention…
There’s been no internet access at work for two days now. This has significantly affected both my ability to do my job and my occasional need to avoid doing it for a while. Business has suffered considerably as well, but I guess it’s par for the course within a company which promotes its “high-tech” image, but still can’t manage to pay its newest recruits enough to attract any who know the difference between a computer, a hard drive, and an operating system…
I don’t care really, as long as I can start checking my email at work again soon…
Oh good God (link via Jonno). Get the fuck over yourselves, people. Some people take this whole blog/web journal thing WAY too seriously. It’s a hobby, ferchrissakes, not brain surgery…
In the “too much information” department, my sex drive seems to have gone into hyper-drive for the past eight days or so, despite a weekend with the most wonderful boy in the world. I’m gonna go eat some graham crackers now to keep my hands busy…
Another Sunday Night
This may have been the fastest weekend on record; it seems like about eight hours passed between the time I was drving down to Fresno on Friday and the time I was driving back today. I didn’t want to come back. Not just because I didn’t want to leave Mark (although that was a big chunk of it) but because I didn’t want to be back in this damned city, I didn’t want to think about going to the soul-sucking part-time job tomorrow, and I didn’t want to continue wondering if my computer monitor is about to die…
But it was a good weekend. Aside from the, ummm, obvious, there were really good thrift store finds and good food, and the weather was even largely cooperative. Who’d have thought I’d be so excited about highs which “only” reached the low 80s?
This whole commute thing should be over in a couple of months and I’m really looking forward to it. I just hope I don’t lose the edge and street cred I have through knowing exactly what fast food and gas options are available at every exit on Highway 99 between Manteca and Selma…
On the Way
Attitude suitably adjusted, I’m on my way as soon as I hit the shower. I’m not going to let a funk spoil anything I’ve been waiting two extremely long weeks for. See you in five hours, baby…