God, I hate malls. I’d forgotten how much until last night when we ventured to Santa Clara to visit the new Apple store. It didn’t help that it was the Saturday before the Saturday before Christmas, of course, but my God, was it hellish…
For the past several years, my mall visits have been limited to the occasional Chick-fil-a run to Fairfield, and I like it that way. They’re just so scary and creepy and self-conscious, with all the annoying people, the screaming brats, the food courts from hell, and the thousands of square feet of cloyingly cute little overpriced shops filled with nothing I’d ever much want…
Except for the Apple store, of course. But next time, I’ll hit one which isn’t in a mall…
But we also went to Fry’s, where I picked up my new DVD player on sale. And had dessert in a pace which looked like it should have been in Nebraska, which was slightly comforting…
Afterward, I came home, where my email client crashed and obliterated a message from Mark and a Christmas card from Shane before I could even look at them…
So I went to bed…
And this morning, you should find that this site has propagated over to Pair Networks, while email asscociated with this domain hasn’t yet, for some reason. Which is not a problem, since I don’t currently use it anyway…
If at some point I become less embarrassed about it, I’ll talk about my little head-shaving mishap later…
129 hours and counting…