Christmas Parties

As a part-time Administrative Assistant, one of my duties is to facilitate the annual holiday party. Anyone who’s even done this knows what fun that is. Two things are essential: tons of food and tons of booze. The space and all other concerns are secondary.


Fortunately, we had a good space too thanks to the a connection at the Casting Couch microcinema. Not only was the spot really comfortable, but we got to see “Frosty” and “The Grinch” in grotesque detail as they were projected behind us. The drunker everyone got, the scarier the claymation figures got.

The lack of smoking facilities inside made the front door area more and more popular as the night wore on. Things also begain to calm down a bit as the free booze ended between 9:30 and 10. By 11 or so, the exodus had commenced in earnest, with one faction (yer humble host included) migrating to a “queer boys night out” in the South of Market Area I call home. I’ll skip that part of the story for right now, lest I have to change the names to protect the innocent.