A Sunday morning in January


Sitting in my living room on a Sunday morning watching the weekend “In the Heat of the Night” marathon. It’s like the last sixteen years never happened. Except:

  • The marathon is on WGN now instead of TNT.
  • I’m watching it from Greensboro rather than San Francisco.
  • Both my TV and my living room are much bigger now.
  • I’m not really craving cheap sex and didn’t watch anyone else having it last night.

There are probably several other minor changes too, but my coffee is ready now so they’ll have to wait.

His name was Earl


When I was five or six years old, I loved Julia. Aspire TV is running it right now and I caught a couple of episodes this week. It reminded me that my first TV crush might have been on Earl J. Waggedorn, Corey’s best friend (left, with cereal bowl haircut). In retrospect, though, I now realize it wasn’t so much that I had a crush on him, but that I had a crush on his name.

One of these days, I’m going to show up on Facebook or Twitter as Earl J. Waggedorn. Watch for it.

Your happy shopping store

Greensboro Daily News, 20 October 1974

On 7 February 1975, Belk opened its new 160,000 square foot department store in Greensboro’s Four Seasons Mall (now Four Seasons Town Centre). On opening day, the full-line department store featured not only the standard clothing and housewares departments, but also a “Sight and Sound” electronics department, a books and records department, a fabric and crafts section, a candy counter, and a Swiss Colony outlet. Continue reading “Your happy shopping store”

Mmmm. Travel…


Because it’s more fun than thinking about the slightly depressing Mom-related thing I just finished doing, i will now think about travel.

I decided last night that I’m going to New York for Spring Break. It’s been more than a year, so it is way past time. It’s still relatively inexpensive in early March–although not as cheap as in January–and the climatological odds are more in my favor. So yeah. New York. I may run into streamlined ska librarians, craft beer bars in Jersey, and klav kalash with all the trimmings. It’ll be fun. Maybe I’ll actually get the pictures from last year’s trip posted before I go.

And I found out today that I have to be in the Bay Area the last week in June to present at the RBMS Pre-Conference in Oakland that’s held just before ALA. I’m not wild about the destination, but I’m planning to do what I need to do in SF and environs and then get the hell out of there and head for either Los Angeles or Seattle. This should be shortly after I submit my tenure portfolio, so I imagine I will be very much in need of a significant vacation at that point.

I also might drive down to Charlotte to go to IKEA and hit some thrift stores tomorrow but that’s not nearly as exciting, I guess…