Luke Doucet
Thinking People (2010)
Sorry I was whiny earlier. I’ll shut up and play some music now…
Where the intelligence is neither artificial nor abundant
Luke Doucet
Thinking People (2010)
Sorry I was whiny earlier. I’ll shut up and play some music now…
…if I might soon be rewarded with one solid month where everything doesn’t suck?
It would be cool if I could schedule that for March, please.
I have now had my FaceTime cherry popped. Thank you, Duncan.
So the Sears death spiral continues. I’ve had sex in their bathrooms, sworn at their lawyers, and occasionally even bought stuff there. I predict that by 2020 (if not sooner) none of these will be options anymore.
I’ve had my new iPhone for more than a week now and I have three thoughts on the subject: