Cool. Why write when I can just link?
And, if you need taunts while I’m on vacation for the next few days, Dan has some to spare. You might get soup too. Or sex. ‘Tis the season, after all…
Where the intelligence is neither artificial nor abundant
Cool. Why write when I can just link?
And, if you need taunts while I’m on vacation for the next few days, Dan has some to spare. You might get soup too. Or sex. ‘Tis the season, after all…
Duncan and Rick are apparently in Oakland, it’s cold and rainy, I don’t have to be at work until Wednesday, Mark doesn’t arrive until tomorrow, and I actually have a few minutes to catch up, if not to answer that snowballing pile of email…
I’ll let yesterday’s big pile of pictures speak for themselves about the past week, except to add a few more notes:
Agreed. No more three-week absences.
I make no promises about more (or better) updates over the next couple of days, but I assure you that the cynicism, wry comments, and links to Zippy the Pinhead which you’ve come to expect in this space will return after the first of the year, once I have time to concentrate again. And breathe…
Tired and busy. No witty and insightful commentary. Just pictures from Christmas week:
The joys of Biola: beautiful boy and beautiful green Fabuloso. I’ve never seen this color before…
A tree grows in Sanger…
Signs, signs, everywhere signs…
The stockings were hung by the AC with care…
Mark’s Cock…
Duncan and Rick arrived on Monday. We pretended we were Jewish and had Chinese food on Christmas Eve…
Then we ate a lot more on Christmas Day…
We continued eating through at least two more pictures…
Afterward, we visited the bay…
It was cold…
And dark…
Jeez, it’s been a hectic (but entertaining) couple of days. Update forthcoming tomorrow night. No telling what it might contain…
Christmas greetings all around…
Details about an amazing and wonderful pre-Christmas weekend with Mark will be coming soon. Also, Duncan and Rick are here, and I have a gang coming for lunch tomorrow. Right now, I’m gonna sleep…
It seems unlikely that Santa will be dropping by with an iBook or even an iPod, but I can dream, can’t I? Either way, I’m pretty well happy and contented this Christmas anyhow…