The state of the stream


I swore off Facebook almost three years ago. I’m pulling back a lot on Twitter nowadays too, using it for what it does best: providing me with a reading list of material on other sites. I do still use Twitter to push the other site, but that’s mainly reposted photos from flickr and pushes from the RSS feed. I use Mastodon for that too, but let’s be real. No one seems to care that much about Mastodon. That said, no one seems to care that much about Twitter anymore either except as argument fodder. Response to my stuff is way down over the past six months since the Muskrat came into power.

I don’t really use social media to forge relationships or (Great Pumpkin forbid) get into arguments. I use it to stay updated on topics of interest and to find other things to read.

I probably won’t be posting much on Twitter going forward, but I will probably keep using it as a reading list as long as it serves that purpose well.


All in all, things are good. I had my annual physical recently and my fat, sedentary butt remains far more healthy than it has any reason to be.

I’m having, um, a milestone birthday next year and I’m thinking of taking a really huge road trip in celebration thereof. Maybe cross-country even. Or something that would knock out those last three states I’ve never visited (Idaho, Montana, and Alaska). Then again, there’s a reason I’ve never visited them.

Work is good too, though budget cuts, declining university enrollment, and the current political climate in my home state are a little terrifying. I think tenure will protect me for the six or seven more years I need it to. We’ll see on that.

Almost three years in, I’ve managed to keep on maintaining my daily (private) audio journal. My life will be well documented when I die, though I’m not sure anyone would (or should) care that much. But the archivist in me feels like it’s required.

I continue to hate spring.


I want to write about things, really, but it just ain’t happening.

Last but not least

Does anyone want to buy a slightly used house?


Another year closer to the “sell by” date

Another birthday celebration for Rosanna Arquette and Herbert Hoover is complete.

This year I celebrated the big day with schnitzel and beer at the Black Forest Inn in Hamilton, Ontario, as part of my first visit north of the border since the Before Times. It was a nice if uneventful trip. I opted to explore Hamilton and environs because I’ve been wanting to spend more time there and because I still plan to make my big Thanksgiving trip to Toronto in October. I explored, I bought books, I saw good friends along the way, and I even had some actual down time.

I think my “sell by” date will arrive when I no longer have the ability nor the desire to explore. Losing one of the two might even be sufficient.

That doesn’t mean I won’t stick around anyway. After all, look at this site. Its “sell by” date was years ago and yet here it still is…