
Driving into San Francisco on the Bay Bridge is a beautiful thing, but entering Pittsburgh through the Fort Pitt Tunnel — where you shoot out of the tunnel and find yourself instantly on a bridge overlooking the city — has to be just about the most dramatic and amazing automobile approach to a city I’ve ever seen. It’s not something I ever get tired of

Yeah, I know a picture would help. Sorry.

A Saturday Afternoon in Winston-Salem


It’s one of those peculiarly southern things: a week-old pile of snow in a shopping center parking lot with a sign in the background showing the temperature to be a fairly steamy eighty degrees.

In other news:

  • Richard Florida is still an ass.
  • Yer humble host has landed himself a very nice internship starting in May. If it’s a named internship, it looks better on a résumé, right?
  • Yes, I probably am way too old to be getting all excited about internships, but still…
  • Apparently, we live in one of the only houses in America that has increased over six percent in value since 2006, or at least so sayeth the tax assessor. And I thought it was a buyers’ market.

Anyway, since I promised you Winston-Salem in the title and really only delivered in the first paragraph, here’s an otherwise unrelated photo of what used to be our train station, surrounded by lots of dead kudzu:
