Tokyo Summer (2014)
I’m loving this band a lot lately and it sucks that you have to fake your way into the Canadian iTunes store to buy their stuff legitimately.
Where the intelligence is neither artificial nor abundant
Tokyo Summer (2014)
I’m loving this band a lot lately and it sucks that you have to fake your way into the Canadian iTunes store to buy their stuff legitimately.
I’ve eliminated 2.4 GB of stuff and have a much cleaner working environment. This pleases me.
I make no promises that this process will significantly improve the quantity or quality of content on the sites. But it may.
Two Hours Traffic
Amour Than Amis (2013)
Best. Bilingual. Pun. Ever.
OK, not really. But it’s pretty good…
I’m a librarian working with digital collections in the IT department. By definition, of course, the geek never really went anywhere. But I haven’t been working on personal projects so much lately, or at least not web-based ones. So this weekend, I updated all my WordPress installations for the first time in a year. I’ve been continuing the process of adding Google Maps links (automating them through CONCATENATE statements in Excel and this bit of wonderfulness) to all the location spreadsheets in Groceteria.
And tonight, just for the fun of it, I came home from dinner and began installing a new archival collection management system that I’m hoping will give me much better results than flickr for serving up photos and media with richer metadata.
For a really long time the thought of working on things like this at home after working with digital collections all day didn’t seem too appealing. Throw in the inertia of a major depression as well and you end up with some unfinished projects and some dying websites. To be fair, I did finish the big video project, although it took a really long time.
Does this mean that I need a life? Or am I just finding the old one again and realizing it still fits?
Only time will tell…
The biggest, oldest queer bar in Greensboro is closing.
Literally. As I type.
It’s been here, under various names and owners, for nearly thirty-five years. I haven’t set foot in the damned place in over twenty. But I’m here tonight for the farewell as a favor to a friend. Hated the place in 1984. Hate it even more now. Enough said. I won’t miss it. Big “one size fits all” queer dance clubs like this are from another time, and I’m really okay with being on the back end of that scene.
Worst Saturday night ever. Or at least since 1984 or so…