
Two weekends ago: Plans ruined by car trouble.

Last weekend: Nice visit with emotional undertones.

This weekend: Lots of homework.

Next weekend: I may just sort of watch movies and not react to them (or the world) in any way whatsoever.

Five weekends from now: Shuffle off to Buffalo and points north (and west and east).


For some reason, I seem to be getting Time Warner Cable’s New York news channel on cable this week. I assume it’s related to the upcoming anniversary–they seem to be running lots of special programming–but it’s kind of a nice change of pace watching their morning news rather than the perky morons on Fox 8.

Soup strainers

Yeah, I have to pretty much agree. It is damned near impossible to look sexy (or even to look like you want to be taken seriously) with a standalone moustache. Not completely impossible, I guess, but damned close.

I once briefly considered doing a blog featuring photos of preposterous facial hair. This was many years ago when I still lived in San Francisco–fertile territory for such things, what with all the hipsters and bears roaming around off-leash and cross-breeding. I got as far as scouting domain names. Should’ve rolled with that. Might have been fun.
