Real Yahoos

I found myself at the Wal-Mart in Kernersville tonight, and I overheard this skanky 45-year-old redneck guy with long hair, a rebel flag belt buckle, and about three teeth talking about how someone “was fussin’ at me on the Yahoo chat because of some girl who posted a picture on my MySpace page and wanted to be my friend.”

My inner elitist shed a little tear for the wasted potential of the internet. Then I got over it and bought some eggs.


We made a last-minute drive up to Roanoke for the weekend. Mark had never been there before, and I got the chance to see some parts of the city I didn’t see last August, like the Mill Mountain overlook pictured above. Other than breakfast at the Williamson Road Pancake House (which may be one of the biggest shitholes I’ve ever dined in), it was a great trip. Roanoke pictures and commentary soon, here or maybe here.

Alas, today was probably not the best day for the aforementioned hubby to be traveling cross-country on US Airways, particularly on an itinterary that mixed US Airways and America West flights. Sorry, baby.

Gonna go watch Lanie and cook some scallops now.

What Goes Around…

Did you ever notice how whenever you announce you’re getting a cold, someone always tells you that “there’s one going around”, as if this were some significant bit of wisdom to which only they — and now you — were privy?

Of course there’s a cold “going around”. There’s always a cold “going around.” That’s what colds do. It’s not like I whippped up a nice big batch of virus all by myself for my own use while I was cooking my eggs this morning.

OK. I feel better now. But my throat still hurts.