Another Hiker

Another hiker has fallen off the side of another mountain where he probably shouldn’t have been to begin with. And thousands of dollars being spent (and several lives are being risked) so that some other idiot can feel safe taking up the same hobby…

And, of course, there’s continuous live coverage on the news since absolutely nothing else happened anywhere in the world today…

Sue Me

It’s comforting to know that some things never change. The fried squash at Gus’ Sir Beef is the best you or I will probably ever eat. Independence Boulevard at 5:30 PM is still a raging nightmare. And Representative Sue Myrick is still the same simple-minded reactionary (and crass political opportunist) she was twenty years ago when she was still just plain Mayor Sue Myrick…

Her new “10K Run for the Border Act” (I’m not making that up, I swear…) would dig down to the root cause of a Gastonia teacher’s recent death at the hands of a drunk driver: illegal immigration. Not lax DWI enforcement within her home state, mind you, but illegal immigration. Thus, Scott Gardner was killed not so much by a drunk driver, but by a filthy, illegal Mexican immigrant…

Per the Charlotte Observer: “No more excuses,” she said at a news conference. “You’re drunk. You’re driving. You’re illegal. You’re deported. Period.”

Representative Myrick offered no suggestions as to what we might do with repeat DWI offenders who aren’t illegal immigrants. Presumably, I guess we should consider electing them vice-president or something like that. But it’s ultimately of little consequence; DWI is not really the issue. Any moron can see that. Sue Myrick certainly does…

Happy Birthday to Me

10 August 1965 (one year old):

10 August 1970 (six years old):

10 August 1975 (eleven years old):

10 August 1980 (sixteen years old):

10 August 1985 (twenty-one years old):

10 August 2000 (thirty-six years old):

10 August 2005 (forty-one years old):

Rather makes you wonder what happened to the lost birthdays of 1990 and 1995, doesn’t it? Actually, I don’t remember either, which is not surprising given the time period…

Self-confidence Booster

Dang. As much as I never really liked the SF Chronicle, my mention in it last week has already landed me one freelance writing gig and has inspired PR representatives at two major supermarket chains to contact me about it. That’s a considerably bigger response than I got from any of the earlier newspaper articles in which I figured even more prominently. I guess the Chronicle is slightly more authoritative than the Oregonian or the Bee or the News & Record

The timing is very good because this whole job quest was starting to send my self-confidence level straight into the crapper over the past few days…