Armstrong Cork

Mark sent me sad news today. One of my favorite buidings anywhere is about to be converted into lofts. I’ve been obsessed with the Armstrong Cork Factory since my first visit to Pittsburgh eight years ago. I’m sorry to see it go…

While the capitalist in me is happy to see such a potentially valuable piece of property no longer going to waste, the urban aesthetician (is that even a word?) in me is terribly depressed to know this amazing building is about to be cleaned and sanitized to make cute little hipster condos which will strip away every bit of its character and context…

Oh well. I guess it couldn’t stand forever in that magnificent state of neglect and decay…

Wal-Mart vs. Target

Interesting article from the Boston Globe on why Wal-Mart is perceived as pure evil while Target is seen as pure virtue by so many urban sophisticates snobs, even though both companies have similar business practices…

Forget It

Um, never mind what this entry originally said. I really should read more carefully before I babble sometimes…

The Landmark

I love the Landmark. I never ate there much when I lived in Charlotte before, perhaps because it was too much the “upscale” version of a diner, where everything was (gasp) about a dollar more than it was at Athens or San Remo…

This time around, though, I’m a definite convert, and I’ve decided that it’s only partially about the food, although the food is quite good. What I really like is the fact that, even though this is pretty much nothing more than a high volume diner, the service is remarkably professional. They make you feel rather special while you’re eating your eight dollar meal, more so than many places make you feel even when you’re chowing down on a twenty or thirty dollar meal. I like that a lot…

There are a lot more things I like about Charlotte. Almost enough, you might think, to start a whole different website…


Job Quest ’05 continues. I seem to be getting both more nibbles and more rejection notices lately. I assume the latter has something to do with the fact that I’ve lately been submitting fewer emailed or faxed resumes and more online applications, which are more conducive to automated responses…

It’s slightly more pleasant to be turned down by a computer than to be ignored completely by an HR person, I guess…