Randomly Wednesday

Random thoughts for a Wednesday afternoon:

  • I brought my mom into the 21st century this past weekend by upgrading her original Bondi Blue iMac to from OS 8.5 to OS X. While the whole transition was a little hard on me, since I couldn’t swear too much while doing the install, it seems to have made things much more pleasant for her. She’s not really what you’d call an intensive user — she pretty much checks email, gets stock quotes online, and does the occasional bit of word processing — so the interface change isn’t causing her much grief. She just thinks it’s prettier…
  • A little identity theft is an annoying thing. We’ve just determined that someone has been charging her Sprint phone to our checking account. Actually, it’s not such a big deal, as we’ve already closed the account and will be filing a police report shortly just for the record. In fact, Bank of America’s lack of any discernible customer service has made it an even easier call for us to move our money to a local credit union, so maybe there’s even a good side to it all…
  • Why is EVERYTHING so much more convenient here than in The City of Doomâ„¢? It’s even easier to get a doctor’s appointment here; there’s none of that “six to eight weeks for a new patient appointment” bullshit you seen in SF.
  • Is it just a coincidence that during the very year Mark and I moved here from California (where such things are commonplace), Charlotte experienced one of its hottest, driest summers ever AND suddenly began having some of the highest gas prices in the country? Just curious…