My Valentine

Why do I love you?

  • Because I’ve never once felt like I had to pretend to be anything other than what I am.
  • Because you have interests which range a little farther than current fashion and “Friends”.
  • Because, while I don’t agree with 100% of your political opinions, I have immense respect for the way you arrived at them.
  • Because you drive me around looking for old supermarkets in strange cities and can at least pretend to be amused by it.
  • Because you find sunshine and warm weather as depressing as I do.
  • Because you never make me watch E! or stupid reality shows.
  • Because you like Jane Jacobs just as much as I do.
  • Because you like Cheerwine almost as I much as I do too.
  • Because you’re a geography major.
  • Because you’re the cutest geography major who ever walked the face of the earth.
  • Because our first dinner date was at Denny’s.
  • Because you’re obsessively geeky.
  • Because you’ll never want to own a cat.
  • Because when I was commuting to Fresno, you always took me to see bands and never dragged me to queer bars.
  • Because you’re the most fun sex I’ve ever had.
  • Because you bought me that “L.A. Freeways” book. Twice.
  • Because you like Saturday morning cartoons and artificially-colored pancakes.
  • Because you think Wal-Mart is a good place to buy toilet paper rather than a vile affront to the proletariat.
  • Beacuse you keep a box of kleenex in your car.
  • Beacuse you leave your Chucks on sometimes.
  • Because you grew up in a mirror image of my hometown, with almost the same phone number as me, and with a mother who worked for the same, ummm, company as mine.
  • Because you’re a Mac supremacist.
  • Beacuse you write good dirty stories.
  • Beacuse you’re a sucker for good carnitas and good grits.
  • Beacuse you don’t get pissed off when my neck snaps every time I hear a skateboard roll by.
  • Because we laugh at the same things on TV (and at the same idiots walking down the street).
  • Because you understand the value of work.
  • Because you liked “Vertigo” and “Harold and Maude”.
  • Because when I wake up next to you in the middle of the night and look over at you, I feel so incredibly wonderful.
  • Because you managed to convince me that I didn’t necessarily need to live the rest of my life alone and refusing to love anyone.

I Love My Boy

How could I not love a boy who would willingly spend a Saturday afternoon driving me around so I could take pictures of old supermarkets in Sacramento? It was a good weekend; we ransacked a dying Kmart, hit thrift stores, and ate well on Saturday and then spent Sunday together in the front room playing with our databases (with the shades open so the neighbors could see)…

The only down side was when I tried to introduce Mark to the joys of jerk pork Saturday afternoon. We strolled into a place on Broadway in Sacramento which turned out to be from hell. Anyone know a really kick-ass Jamaican place in San Francisco so I can try again?

Mr. Robinson

So here’s to you, Mr. Robinson: you might have a little more credibility if you weren’t too chickenshit to include a valid email address in your repeated messages. But screamers like you only like it if no one can answer back or call you on your bullshit, right? I imagine you’re a rather timid, ineffectual sort who can only string two words into a sentence when doing so anonymously. But if that’s your trip, more power to you. I understand how much easier it is to win an argument when you don’t let anyone else play. At least I get a chuckle every couple of weeks…


OK, does anyone REALLY believe that Dubya and his cowboy posse start quaking in their boots whenever San Francisco or San Jose or Berkeley passes a resolution condemning military action? Oh mercy. The folks in Berkeley don’t want a war. We’d better pack it in right now, because as Berkeley goes, so goes the nation, right?

Note that the preceding statement has nothing to do with my attitude on any military action, pending or otherwise, but merely with my unending amusement that some city councils believe the federal government has any interest whatsoever in their positions on foreign policy…