Randomly Saturday

Email quote from my mom — who gets even more spam than I do — this morning: “Everyone seems to be trying to enlarge my penis lately.”

The weekend: Target, Krispy Kreme, The Trouble with Harry, the first meat loaf I ever cooked, a little work on Bottles, Emeryville food court, squash and tomato scramble, a dead battery, avoiding the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and health insurance…

The week to come: nothing nearly so interesting as the weekend…

Headaches and Bradys

You know what I like? I like not having a headache like the really nasty, vaguely debilitating one I had last night. Not having a headache makes me happy…

Only one person today noticed that I snuck in a new cover photo yesterday featuring yer humble host standing smack dab in front of the real live Brady Bunch house. Maybe I didn’t include enough of it. Or maybe no one cared. Anyway, more photos from LA coming soon, I promise…

Randomly Monday

Random thoughts for a Monday afternoon:

  • What is wrong with our country and its priorities? How could the greatest nation on earth have gone so far downhill in such a short time? There are currently only eleven Howard Johnsons restaurants in operation nationwide (link via Jonno), while a quick scan of the white pages revealed that San Francisco alone is home to more than SIXTY Starbucks. How did we become a society which places a higher value on pretentious, overpriced coffee than on fried clam strips and ice cream? It’s sad…
  • This morning — as I do so many days — I watched a line of pedestrians crossing the Embarcadero midblock, against the light. Only this time, there was a car coming. Did the possibility of death by motor vehicle deter the hearty Bay Area pedestrians? Of course not. As a group, they somehow sensed that the protective safety cone provided by their own sense of self-satisfaction would no doubt protect them from any pain or inconvenience caused by an evil motorist. In fact, they looked down right surprised when the guy blew his horn to warn of his approach…It reminds me of the story of the guy who died after being hit by a car on a busy street. His tombstone read “He had the right of way.” These folks, alas, didn’t even have THAT going for them. Keep in mind that I’m a pedestrian much more frequently than I’m a motorist, and I too like to assert my rights. It is not, however, something I’m prepared to die over. I’m not sure what pisses me off more: the fact that these idiots were so quick to put their own lives (and that of the driver) in danger, or the fact that they managed to make me sympathize with some yuppie guy driving a Mercedes…
  • Those wacky tax and spend Republicans are at it again. The California GOP is now backing the multi-million dollar recall effort against Governor Gray Davis. Funny, I thought this particular party was supposed to be more concerned with eliminating wasteful spending than engaging in it. The idea is ludicrous; the recall will not be successful and its sole purpose is to soothe the egos of the party which managed to field a candidate so unappealing (Bill Simon) that he was unable to defeat the most unpopular politician in recent California history. Slimewad or not, Gray Davis won the election fair and decisively, which some would argue is far more than our current Republican President can say. Get the hell over it, people…
  • Quoth a Richmond “homeless advocate” in yesterday’s Chronicle, in response to that city’s ban of alcohol within 15 feet of parks: “Where are the homeless going to drink, if not in the parks?” Where indeed? The mind boggles…