
One of my fellow jurors today adopted a rather dejected look and whined about how none of us seemed to want to go to lunch together because, he presumed, we wouldn’t have anything to talk about but the case, which was off-limits…

Well, duh. This is not a team-building exercise. We DON’T have anything in common but the case. I’m sure all my fellow jurors are very nice people, but the idea that I should have lunch with one or two of them never once crossed my mind. I don’t know these people. And I don’t particularly want to know any more about them than the situation requires…

Are there really individuals who are so socially dependent that they feel slighted if they have to complete the simplest task — say, going somewhere to get a sandwich — all alone? Jeez…

Completely unrelated Fran Lebovitz quote du jour: “Any child who cannot do long division by himself does not deserve to smoke”…

Randomly Tuesday

So my jury duty report date is tomorrow, and now I’m pissed because the location has been changed from the Hall of Justice (just around the corner, lunch at home, etc.) to the courthouse in Civic Center (farther than I want to walk but too close to bother taking transit). I imagine that if I make it as far as jury selection, I’ll have some interesting comments about the whole process in a day or two. But I’d rather skip it…


  • Calling out to me from the fridge: leftover Manwich (actually the lackluster generic version), Olallieberry cheesecake (courtesy of Mark‘s mom and dad), and aerosol whipped cream. No, I’m not pregnant…
  • Just a thought: has anyone ever seen one of those ever so environmentally-correct Keep Tahoe Blue stickers on any vehicle which wasn’t a really huge SUV or monster truck? Just curious…
  • Jeez, is it really only Tuesday?


I’ve disappeared for so long this time that people are starting to ask if I’m alive or dead. Since convincing them otherwise would require actually answering email (something I seem wholly incapable of doing lately), I’ve decided it’s time to set the record straight here. Today, I feel somewhere in between…

No, don’t worry. There’s nothing wrong. I’ve just been horribly busy this week, commuting to San Mateo by day and working on a major site redesign for a client by night. Both should be done this week — just in time for me to go on jury duty. Woo hoo…

By the way, penis anyone?

By way of updates:

  • Had a brief stop by Berkeley last weekend to hit the assorted used media stores. It’s good to visit Berkeley once in a while; it makes San Francisco seem so — how shall I say it — rational and sensible by comparison. Which ain’t easy. By the way, is there any truth to that rumor that Berkeley is considering setting aside 20% of its street parking for cars which are valued at less than $3500? No, of course not, but you believed it for a second, didn’t you?
  • On Sunday, we watched some of the dismantling of the Central Freeway overpass crossing Market Street. I may drive up and see if it’s completely gone this afternoon. My computer and I need some quality time apart…
  • Self-indulgence dilemma of the week: deciding whether to unwind with a selection from the new Family Guy box set or the recently-acquired New York box set…
  • Mark’s been visiting the parents all weekend, but I have no naughty little secrets to share; I spent the entire weekend curled up with Dreamweaver and ImageReady, and my biggest extravagances were dinner at IHOP with Jamie last night and a trip to Target, where I bought one two-dollar bag of cookies…
  • Things I hate this month: the IRS, the Superior Court of San Francisco, and the Department of Parking and Traffic…
  • Entertaining website of the week: The History of San Francisco Bay Area Freeway Development
  • The newest beta of Safari is addressing most of my concerns nicely. Of course, all you Windoze sufferers can’t use it. Too bad…

I’ll try to make the updates a little more frequent soon. Or at least a little more entertaining…

OK, Maybe No Snow…

Home again. We didn’t actually see any snow, but there was lots of rain. So we played Monopoly and watched movies and cooked out (there’s something wonderfully unwholesome about cooking out when it’s 25 degrees and pouring down rain outside) and it was a good weekend all in all…

Unrelated (I think): why have I been starving all day?

Snow in the Sierra

Going up into the Sierra for the weekend to watch it snow and stuff. Lest anyone get the wrong idea here, though, the closest we’ll be getting to “roughing it” is the fact that we’ll have a VCR but no DVD player…

I do not camp…