My Relationship Can Beat Up Yours

Here’s my take on it (or at least on the “controversy”): a relationship is defined as an interaction between two or more people. One very simple rule applies: the people involved are the only ones who get to make the rules. Their families and friends do not get a vote, nor do “the gay community” or “society”. You’d think that would be pretty basic, given that the whole homosexual rights movement is based on that simple idea. But no…

Those who say “monogamous relationships can’t work, ever” and those who say “open relationships can’t work, ever” are equally misguided on some level. First and foremost, what gives these observers the right to make any presumption whatsoever about someone ELSE’S relationship? A relationship is like eating dinner; the meaning and circumstances are determined by those engaged in the activity. How seriously would anyone take me if I said that eating alone in a restaurant (or eating while wearing a blue shirt) is the wrong thing to do in every case?

Yes, it’s true that some types of relationships may be statistically more likely to survive long-term. Which means nothing other than that more individuals fall into a personality type which might lead them to be most comfortable in those sorts of relationships…

And it’s true that some types of relationships are generally doomed from the start. Which means nothing other than that the individuals involved probably should have communicated more efficiently or spent more time analyzing the situation (and each other) from the onset…

Individuals have the sole right (and responsibility) to define their relationships. If Mark and I want to be monogamous or polygamous, or to be asexual, or to be stereophonic or quadrophonic or quadraplegic, or even to engage in romantic rituals involving penguin droppings, it’s nobody’s goddamned business but our own. And no one but us can say for certain if it’s the right way for us to conduct our relationship. Except maybe for the penguin…

This is true no matter how badly they may want to bring up assorted self-righteous nonsense about “aping heterosexual marriage” or about “self-indulgence” and “trampiness”. The point is that there are as many types of realtionships as there are types of people involved in them, and to make blanket statements about such an individualized and dynamically-defined a condition as “being in a relationship” is pointless and silly…

Icky Tummy

I’m sitting here in front of my computer making a list of everything I’ve eaten in the past 48 hours just so I can make sure I never eat any of it ever again. I’ve also been taking occasional breaks from doing so, but I won’t elaborate on those…

It’s no fun being ill when the weather is so miserable. I’d gotten a bit spoiled by having the cold and the rain continue so late in the year, and I wasn’t at all ready for this annoying sunshine and heat, thanks…

Gonna watch a movie now, albeit with one finger glued to the pause button…

Appearing at a Library Near You

In case you find yourself in Burlingame this Sunday, I’ll be there speaking to the Burlingame Historical Society. Why yes, I am slightly nervous now that you mention it…

I’m even more nervous about this SBC/Yahoo DSL “upgrade” disc I got in the mail today. Not nervous, mind you, that it will have any impact on my life, but that less tech-savvy people will think they have to install the damned thing (which is basically a bastardized version of Internet Explorer which forces you to slog through extra content when you launch it) in order to continue having internet access…

If I wanted my ISP to force-feed me useless content for marketing purposes, I’d have AOL, thanks…

Hmmm. Who saw this coming?


Tolerance? You’ve got to be kidding. San Francisco is many things, some of them quite wonderful, but I can’t quite see it as a bastion of “tolerance” nor of “wide-open encouragement to be as independently minded … as you can possibly be”. Maybe I’m missing something…

To me, tolerance suggests that one not only embraces anything and everything which is outside the mainstream, but that one also has respect for those who DO choose to live their lives in a relatively mainstream fashion. This includes people who shop at Wal-Mart, people who work for a living and want to own homes, people who (for whatever reason) actually watch Fox News, and (gasp) even people with conservative religious or political views…

The writer babbles on and on about our “tolerance” while his whole article rather reeks of the direct opposite. About the only people worthy of tolerance, it seems, are the ones who live here, think like he does, and are terrified of stepping out of line by getting out of the city and seeing something different once in a while…

And how come his idea of “independent mindedness” only seems to apply to those who agree with the “tolerant” (and, of course, left of center) party line? I’d always thought that critical thinking (you know: analyzing ALL sides of an issue and coming up with your OWN opinion rather than adopting a pre-packaged one) might play a small part in that definition as well. Frankly, I’d argue that San Franciscans are no less intellectually lazy than anyone else in the country, just somewhat more inclined to walk down the granola aisle at the dogma store…

While I like to think of myself as “independent minded”, I’ve never really considered myself “tolerant”. If I think something is a crock of shit or that someone is a flaming idiot, I’m probably going to say so. Say what you will about my weakness of character, but at least I’m not a hypocrite about it…