
OK, so I’m alive, but don’t look for any new content for another ten days or so because I’m leaving for North Carolina tomorrow. So there…

By way of updates:

  • I’ve had this annoying cold/allergy thing going on for three weeks now and it’s getting on my nerves. If it screws up my trip, I will be pissed.
  • The cardiologist decided yesterday that my heart is quite healthy and strong yesterday and that my thyroid is pretty well normal, and that I’m ready for that procedure which should get me back to normal after two years. That happens on 18 July.
  • I’ve been to Susanville and have lived to tell about it. Pictures and stuff soon.
  • I’m still in the process of reorganizing this site a bit, but it’s OK for now. Some older journal permalinks may not work for another week or so until I get all the redirects in place. Sorry.

Coming soon:

I’m gonna go eat barbecue and drink Cheerwine (and probably sweat a lot) now. See you in ten days or so…

Still Here

In case you’re wondering if I’m dead or alive, I’m actually just doing a little re-working and re-configuring on the site, and it’s taking a little longer than I’d planned, so look for an update in another day or two…

Route 666

I’m sad about the renumbering of Highway 666. Aside from the fact that I’m tired of the Bible-thumpers getting their way (again), this also means the loss of yet one more artifact of the original Route 66, since U.S. 666 got its name by being an offshoot of the more famous road…

Anyhow, Mark and I did a little road trip of our own this weekend, and I got to see one of those few remaining chunks of California I’d not yet visited. Details and pictures to follow…

As for this week, seems there’s a visitor in town…

Lastly, I’m working on a bit of a reorganization of the journals section, so don’t be surprised if some random links don’t work for a few days. Should be fixed shortly…