The Romance Is Over

The romance is over. This afternoon, I tried everything I could to re-ignite the spark, and I just couldn’t do it. There’s nothing left to spice up anymore. I should just give up..

I’m talking about my long-souring romance with the Bay Area, by the way. I had another of those moments of realization today. I was down in the South Bay and I tried so desperately hard to get lost and see something I hadn’t seen before as I found my way out of wherever I was. And despite my most valiant efforts, I was unable to do so…

Unless you count that ten minutes I couldn’t find my way out of some office park in Santa Clara. And I don’t. That’s just too easy. And unpleasant…

One of the reasons (there were, of course, several others as well) that I left both Charlotte and Greensboro was that I was incapable of getting lost there anymore. Yeah, it sounds strange, but that’s how my mind works. Maybe it’s a thing with us Geography majors. All six of us…

And yeah, the sixth day is the hardest, dammit. But I’m glad I’m getting all this consumerist frenzy out of the way this weekend, since I apparently won’t be leaving the bed next weekend. Not that I have a problem with the idea or anything…

My Book

One night about five or six months ago, I was in this used bookstore near 9th and Irving and I saw the most amazing, rare used book on the LA freeway system. It was a tad pricey, and right at that moment, when I was at my most freaked out about the whole hospital thing and my finances and everything else, I couldn’t make myself buy it. I really wanted it and I regretted not buying it for months…

Tonight after dinner with Dan and Jamie, we happened to wander by the very same bookstore. It was going out of business this go-round and everything was a third off. And the damned book was still there. This time, I had money, I felt much better about life, and the book is now in my living room…

It’s a small thing, really, but it feels a little symbolic somehow of my much-improved state of mind since last summer…