Fair’s A-Comin’

Folsom Street Fair weekend has arrived. I’m having a hard time deciding if I should leave town Saturday or just wait and flee on the actual day of the event.

Decisions, decisions…

It’s been an incredibly busy week, both at the part-time job and on the web design side of things. My apologies to everyone to whom I owe email. I’m planning to try and catch up today before the exodus and before a possible afternoon “coffee moment” with my pal Mark. I offer no guarantees though, only more apologies if I don’t succeed.

I do, however, promise to write something a little more interesting than quickie journal entries in the next few days. OK…maybe “promise” is too strong a word…

Anybody got any information on weather conditions in the Wyoming Rockies in late October and early November?

RAM and Stuff

Dang…lots of new RAM is a truly magical thing…

My pet irrational annoyance of the day is the phrase “send me an email”. I’ll be quite happy to to send you some email. I ‘ll be glad to send you an email message. But I will not send you AN email. Nor will I go to the post office and send you a mail.

Just call me anal…

Still planning that Great Lakes tour of Michigan, Minnesota, and Chicago in the next few weeks. I’ve almost decided to drive there. Air travel in the 90’s is simply too much of a pain in the ass, and I love a good road trip. Anybody in Omaha or Cheyenne looking for a visit from a bouncing baby webamster? It’s been done before…

Smiley-face du jour goes to Paul in Charlotte, who’s just presented me with a free used Sun Sparcstation. My geek factor increases…

Last but not least, is anyone other than me really excited by the upcoming “All in the Family” marathon on Nick-at-Nite?

Randomly Tuesday

Still working on sprucing up the old web site…

E-mail today about Loftomania suggested that I should stop publishing such “uninformed offensive nonsense” and just leave the city if I’m so “upset” by its ongoing urban development”. Sort of proves my point about the arrogance of all my new neighbors, doesn’t it?

San Francisco: love it or leave it. Couldn’t be that I love the city enough to be concerned about it, I guess…

Frightening realization of the day: until yesterday, I’d never once heard the Maria Carey/Boys 2 Men song which was apparently the longest-running number one song in the history of Billboard Magazine. I have to say I’m not looking forward to hearing it again any time soon either.

On the list for Tuesday: installing the extra 48MB of RAM I just obtained, mailing out some invoices so I can afford to go on vacation, and trying once again to figure out just who watches “Friends” and why I have to be faced with back-t-back reruns at 7:00 every night.

A Quinn Martin Production

Should it disturb me that the biggest excitement of my week has been the fact that Channel 20 has brought back reruns of “The Streets of San Francisco” weeknights at 3AM? And that I’m taping them and watching them in bulk this weekend?

Another TV highlight from a TV weekend: “Yours Mine and Ours” this morning on TNT. Brought back memories of this Deadhead I went out with a few times several years ago. He had an odd fascination with this movie. I never could figure out why.

Friday night’s diversion was Jim Hightower at the Plumbers’ Union Hall with Sarah, followed by a few low-impact moments in the corner bar which included an uninspiring bout of oral sex in a back corner.

Today, I’m redesigning the site. You might have noticed.

I Just Don’t Understand

Why do queer bars serve such shitty beer?

I don’t understand it. Beer is trendy. Fags are annoyingly trendy. Why, then, do queer bars all over the country (with the possible excpetion of Portland and Seattle) only serve the bottom level of crappy bottled domestic beer? This has been bugging me for years and years now. In some queer bars, the Powerhouse for example, the horizon is so limited that they consider Rolling Rock an import. Guess it’s all those import duties they have to pay when crossing the Mississippi…

Is it because long-neck bottles are supposed to be phallic symbols? Is it because the boys are afraid they won’t look butch enough drinking from a pint glass? I just don;t get it…

Other things I don’t understand today:

  • Whycome we never get cool storms from hurricanes on the west coast like they do back east?
  • Why is it that with all the construction workers in my neighborhood lately none of them are particularly attractive? Another myth shattered…
  • What is that damned strange chemical smell in my refrigerator?