On the Way

Congratulations to Shane on his first gallery show. If I were anywhere within a thousand or so miles of Kansas City, I’d go. Come to thingk of it, I think the last gallery show I went to may have been in Kansas City too…


But I am going to be leaving for Portland and Seattle tomorrow with Mark. It’s sort of snuck up on me in a way and i have an awful lot of stuff to do before leaving, from laundry, to bill-paying to house-cleaning, to maybe dinner at Tad’s tonight with Dan, Jamie, and Sarah

What all that means is that this will probably be my last update for several days. And that most of the email in my inbox probably will not get answered until I get back. Why no, as a matter of fact, I’m NOT going to spend my vacation in front of a computer, thanks…

I was going to close out the test (quiz closed; link is to results) before departing, but I’ll leave it up for your amusement. Gotta go make some room reservations now. See you all in about nine days, probably with a big smile on my face…